During 1969 the Hi-Power pistol Serial Number code was changed to a two digit year and 'C' prefix. Serial Numbers for “T” prefix Hi-Power pistols exceeded T300000 and were shipped into 1970. # PreFiX COde 1969 69C prefix before Ser. 1970 70C prefix before Ser. 1971 196471C prefix before Ser. 1972 72C prefix before Ser. Dating a Smith & Wesson Revolver: This list is merely a general guide and not meant to be exact. There is some dispute regarding the dates on some serial numbers. Your gun may actually be a year off from what is listed. The precise shipping date as 'lettered' can be several years off depending on model. Smith Wesson Serial Numbers - Sigma Series Smith Wesson Serial Numbers - SW99 Once you've located the serial number, then you can try to contact Smith and Wesson and see if they can give you an information about your particular gun like date of manufacture or other specific details.
- Smith Wesson Serial Number Year Manufacture
- S&w Manufacture Date By Serial Number
- What Year Smith Wesson Serial Number
- How To Tell Manufacture Date Of Smith And Wesson
Smith & Wesson serial numbers, model numbers and dash numbers can get a bit convoluted. The Model 36 (no dash) was made from 1957 until 1988, but the 36-1 was started in 1967 on the 3' Heavy Barrel only. Serial numbers didn't have a letter prefix until the 'J' series was started in 1969. Serial number J 954,5xx was made in 1969 or '70. During World War II, the British Commonwealth approached Smith & Wesson for revolvers. The guns, which were basically an updated version of the.38 Military & Police revolver, were eventually given a V prefix on their serial number and called Victory Models. By the war’s end, Smith & Wesson had made over 800,000 revolvers for Allied troops.
Horace Smith and Daniel Baird Wesson formed a partnership in 1852 to manufacture a firearm that could fire a fully self-contained cartridge. From the beginning, Smith & Wesson® firearms were noted for their innovative design, high quality production and reliability. The accomplishments of Smith & Wesson are numerous and its contributions to the history of firearms are vast. Smith & Wesson was an industry leader in 1852 when it was first founded and continues to lead the world today with innovations into the 21st century.
Over 165 Years of Excellence.
A Partnership is Forged
Horace Smith & D. B. Wesson form a partnership to manufacture a firearm that can fire a fully self-contained cartridge.
The Volcanic Pistol
The first American firearm capable of firing a fully self-contained cartridge was manufactured by Smith & Wesson in 1852. This repeating pistol fired as quickly as the shooter could operate the lever and it was dubbed “The Volcanic,” since the rapid-fire sequence appeared to have the force of an erupting volcano.
Model 1 Revolver
Originally called the Seven Shooter, the Model 1 was introduced in 1857. This .22 rim fire revolver was the first practical cartridge revolver and its introduction heralded the end of percussion firearms.
Model 3 American Revolver
Introduced in the summer of 1870, the Model 3 American was the first large caliber, centerfire, cartridge revolver manufactured in the United States.

.38 Double Action Revolver

By 1880, the demand for self-cocking revolvers was so great that Smith & Wesson introduced a complete series in three different caliber sizes.
● .38 Safety Hammerless Revolver
In the early 1880s, D.B. Wesson and his son, Joseph, began developing a revolver that didn’t have an external hammer. The Safety Hammerless, which debuted in 1887, was the world’s first double action concealed hammer revolver.
.38 Military & Police Revolver
In 1899, Smith & Wesson introduced what would become its most successful revolver, the .38 Military & Police. Everything about this firearm was innovative, from its solid frame and its hand ejector system to the cartridges it fired. The .38 Military & Police, now known as the Model 10 revolver, has been in continuous production since 1899, and over six million units have been produced.
.35 Automatic Pistol
After years of development and testing, Smith & Wesson produced its first automatic pistol on May 3, 1913. The .35 Automatic featured two safety devices and was available in blue or nickel for $16.50. The odd caliber and production stoppages due to the more important war time production of World War I, kept sales of the .35 Automatic relatively low. A total of 8,350 units were manufactured until 1922.

.357 Magnum® Revolver
Initially conceived of as a custom-built, heavy load, deluxe handgun in 1934, the .357 Magnum revolver quickly caught the interest of law enforcement agencies. Handgun cartridges of the day could not penetrate bulletproof glass and armor-plated vehicles, but the .357 Magnum cartridge could. Many of these revolvers were purchased by numerous law enforcement agencies, such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Victory Model M&P® Revolver
During World War II, the British Commonwealth approached Smith & Wesson for revolvers. The guns, which were basically an updated version of the .38 Military & Police revolver, were eventually given a V prefix on their serial number and called Victory Models. By the war’s end, Smith & Wesson had made over 800,000 revolvers for Allied troops.
Model 36, Chiefs Special® Revolver
This small revolver, designed primarily for plainclothes and off-duty police officers, made its public debut at a police conference in 1950. At the conference, the Smith & Wesson sales force asked the police chiefs to vote on a name for the new revolver. The most commonly suggested name was .38 Chiefs Special.
Model 39 Pistol
In 1955, the first American-made double action auto-loading pistol, the Model 39, was introduced. In 1968, the Illinois State Police adopted it and the Model 39 became the first 9mm Double Action auto-loading pistol ever used by any state law enforcement agency in the United States.
Model 29, .44 Magnum® Revolver
At the urging of handgunner Elmer Keith, Smith & Wesson developed the .44 Magnum. Completed in 1955, the .44 Magnum revolver was originally available in two barrel lengths, 4 inches and 6 ½ inches. The model sold well and in a few years a third barrel length of 8 3/8 inches was added. Demand for the firearm decreased in the 1960s but skyrocketed in the 1970s after the release of the film, Dirty Harry, starring Clint Eastwood. In 2005, Field & Stream rated the Model 29 revolver as the 5th best gun ever made, the only handgun to make their top ten.
Model 41 Pistol
Prior to World War II, most competitive shooters shot revolvers. After the war the trend to use autoloaders became more popular. Smith & Wesson began the development of a high-grade .22 caliber rim fire target pistol in the late 1940s. The pistols were heavily tested, adjusted and modified for almost ten years. Finally, in 1957, the Model 41 pistol was made available to the public.
Model 52 Pistol
Smith Wesson Serial Number Year Manufacture
In 1960, the U.S. Army Marksmanship Training Unit asked Smith & Wesson to build a pistol similar to the Model 39 pistol that could fire the newly developed .38 AMU cartridge. The Model 52 pistol was the most accurate target pistol of its day and featured an innovative ball-bushing barrel.
Model 60, Stainless Steel Chiefs Special® Revolver
The Model 60 revolver was the first stainless steel handgun manufactured by Smith & Wesson. Originally available in a highly polished finish, the finish was changed to a satin polish after law enforcement agencies objected to the bright finish.
Model 439 Pistol
Smith & Wesson debuts the first of the Second Generation pistols, updated and stainless steel versions of the semi-automatic pistol line. The Model 439 pistol is an updated version of the Model 39 pistol featuring an alloy frame. It is a Second Generation semi-automatic pistol, denoted by the three digit model number. First generation models have a two-digit model number, Second generation models have three digits, and Third generation models have four-digits.
Third Generation Semi-Automatics
With 42 models in 121 variations, Smith & Wesson’s Third Generation Semi-Automatics were the broadest handgun line in the world.
Model 4006 Pistol
The Model 4006 is a 3rd Generation pistol first introduced in January 1990 alongside the new .40 S&W cartridge. The .40 S&W cartridge was developed jointly with Winchester in collaboration with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, who had requested a 10mm cartridge loaded to less-than-full-power. The result was the shorter .40 S&W that allowed for a more comfortable grip when used in a double-stack magazine. Early detractors doubted the viability of the cartridge, but today it is one of the most successful law enforcement cartridges.
S&w Manufacture Date By Serial Number
2003Model S&W500™
An entirely new frame size was developed to fire the new .500 S&W Magnum cartridge. The Model S&W500 revolver is the biggest, heaviest, most-powerful factory production, double action revolver in the world.
M&P® Pistol
Smith & Wesson debuts the M&P Pistol Series, a new line of polymer-frame pistols. Championed by law enforcement officials, the new line is adopted by over 100 departments in its first year.
M&P®15 Rifle
The M&P15 rifle, a modern sporting rifle, was introduced. It is first in the highly successful M&P® Rifle Series.
M&P®15 -22 Rifle
Introduced in 2009, the M&P15-22 rifle offers the fit and feel of the popular M&P15 rifle, while chambered in the more economical .22LR ammunition. In 2010, ground-breaking rifle received the “Rifle of the Year” award from the Shooting Industry Academy of Excellence.
M&P Shield® Pistols
This slim, concealable, lightweight, striker fired pistol is released. Within three years, one million of these pistols were manufactured.
SW22 Victory® Pistol
The SW22 Victory, a modular design, metal-framed pistol with fiber optic front and rear sights. This highly customizable and incredibly accurate blow back .22 pistol will keep you on target round after round, and provide years of unmatched performance.
M&P® M2.0™ Pistol
What Year Smith Wesson Serial Number
Building on the proven reliability and success of the M&P pistol series, M&P M2.0 pistol is the culmination of a decade of research and design. Designed for professional, personal and sporting use, the M&P M2.0 pistol features upgrades to nearly every aspect including trigger, grip, frame, and finish.How To Tell Manufacture Date Of Smith And Wesson
I still have the box and manual, but I can't seem to find a date in the book. SMITH WESSON SERIAL NUMBER LOOKUP quote from History of Smith and ... database exists The Standard. Smith & Wesson serial numbers, model numbers and dash numbers can get a bit convoluted. Year of manufacture for MP15. Year of manufacture for SW serial number TBR7402 model 645? In 2001, Tomkins sold the … There is some dispute regarding the dates on some serial numbers and your gun may actually be a year off from what is listed. In several cases, caliber rarity can also be determined. Please confirm the serial number on the … Gamespot. Contact. March 24, 2018. Manufacture Year by Serial Number 'K' Frame Revolvers - 1899 to. When was SW 64 serial number D524056 … The 39 was superceded in the S&W line by the second generation Model .Browse all new … service.softwarehelp.info. *Note that a number of N frames with serials in the S138000-S140000 range (and the range may be wider either way) are seen that were shipped much later than the serial would suggest should be the case. Manufacture Year by Serial Number 'K' Frame Revolvers - 1899 to 1983: (Years/Serial … I can't help with the date of manufacture but I can tell you that the. We can't tell just from the serial number, and not all S&W revolvers HAD a model number. In 1969 they changed to 'R' prefix serial numbers beginning with R1. Smith and wesson revolver serial number database. The … Serial numbers for the Military & Police ranged from number 1 … 8ed4e55f88 Manufacture dates with serial numbers - Smith And Wesson Forums.. ... of surprised I can't find a list of Smith & Wesson serial numbers online. Manufacture Year by Serial Number 'K' Frame . SW Pistol Serial Number 632071 Model number and date of manufacture.? Mine is in the 946xx range and if I remember correctly was manufactured in 1943. Both the Standard Catalog of Smith & Wesson (second edition) and Ftjestad's Blue Book list 59,400 Perfecteds being made between 1909 and 1920 with serial numbers 1-59400. Serial numbers didn't have a letter prefix until the 'J' series was started in 1969. Between 1983-1987, Smith & Wesson was owned by the Lear Siegler Co. On May 22, 1987, it was sold to R.L.Tomkins, a British holding company. Featured . See more of Smith & Wesson M&P Revolver - Model 10 on . The only .38 spl Smith and Wessons in that serial number range were produced in 1903 and 1904 as the Smith and Wesson .38spl Hand Ejector M&P. The Model 36 (no dash) was made from 1957 until 1988, but the 36-1 was started in 1967 on the 3' Heavy Barrel only. Never have checked it either serial is BHC-06XX.. Smith & Wesson M&P Rifle Forum. Smith And Wesson History By Serial Number; Smith And Wesson Model 1000 Manufacture Dates; How to Identify/Date a S&W. Smith Wesson Serial Numbers Manufacture Date . Thread: How to locate and verify the serial numbers on your S&W revolvers. The Smith & Wesson Model 41 is a semi-automatic pistol developed by Smith & Wesson after World War II as a competitive target pistol. I believe the letter to ad $50 in value to the piece. fireman5069 Member. Christopher John has been a freelance journalist since 2003. But couldn't afford to buy at the time'; the latest being a S&W model 41. In production since 1899, the Model 10 is a six-shot, .38 Special, double-action revolver with … smith & wesson dates of manufacture from serial numbers. Autodesk Maya 2014 … A stainless steel variant … V1 … About. I really like your Perfected, Mike. Smith & Wesson M&P Revolver - Model 10 updated their status. Veer Zaara Hd Video Songs 720p Download Movies. ZDNet. The Victory model was so named for the 'V' prefix which was placed before the serial number and represented 'Victory' against the Axis powers in World War II. Decoding the serial number on a Smith & Wesson firearm requires some research, as several codes were utilized for guns manufactured before and after World War Two. Smith and Wesson 5906 serial numbers. It was designed with a 105 degree grip angle, the same as the Colt M1911 pistol, to maintain a consistent grip angle.. Production history. and model, and ascertain which bracket it falls into based on the year of manufacture and corresponding serial number. … If the K frames had started with number one and then continued on, it would have been much easier to keep them in chronological order. Manufacture Year by Serial Number 'K' Frame Revolvers - 1899 to ... See … Earlier revolvers … Your serial number indicates that your Smith and Wesson model 59 was made from 1976-1977.The serial number range for that time was A295,001-A385,000.I can say that with your serial number I would place production in the year 1977. CBS News. You can then use the serial number to … P ... Bought a used one, M&P15, Serial no. They look like Model 10's, and are very similar, but predate the Model 10 by over 50 years. The Smith & Wesson Model 629 Stealth Hunter has a 7 1 ⁄ 2 inches (190 mm) ported barrel with a full-length under lug for increased stability and recoil reduction.The barrel-cylinder gap is 0.006 inches (0.15 mm), with a ball-detent lockup between the frame and cylinder crane that provides increased strength. It has a serial number that begins with 'A130xxS' I believe it is quite rare, as it has a. How old is a smith and Wesson 38 5 shot serial number 282736 secret service revolver? or. It was S&W's last top break revolver model. Posted on 22.02.2021 22.08.2017 by admin. Top PM Register To Reply. The K-frame is somewhat smaller and lighter than the original N-frame .357, usually known as the Smith & Wesson Model 27. Where is a list of dates and serial numbers for SW revolvers? Format: PDF … Hello, I have a S&W model 17.22LR with a -4 serial … Discussion in 'Firearms Research' started by fireman5069, Aug 26, 2010. More... DATO. Manufacture Year by Serial Number 'K' Frame . See more of Smith & Wesson M&P Revolver - Model 10 on Facebook. Tech Republic. The Smith & Wesson Model 19 is a revolver produced by Smith & Wesson that was introduced in 1957 on its K-frame. TV.com. … read more Philip Van Cleave I have never really had a need for a handgun. Search Results For You - Search for serial w s - Serch.it Serch.it/serial w s. … Your serial number indicates that your Smith and Wesson model 59 was made from 1976-1977.The serial number range for that time was A295,001-A385,000.I can say that with your serial number I would place production in the year 1977. The … … Smith Wesson Model 36 Serial Number Dates >>> DOWNLOAD (Mirror #1) Smith Wesson Model 36 Serial Number Dates >>> DOWNLOAD (Mirror #1) Home. The serial number is A162631. In July 1947, two prototypes—numbered X-41 … For $50 Smith & Wesson will provide a very nicely done letter worthy of display for your revolver with the date of manufacture. According to the Standard Catalog of Smith & Wesson, the Model 60 was first produced in 1965 and shared serial number with the other Chief's Special models starting at about serial number 401754. Smith & Wesson M&P Revolver - Model 10 is on Facebook. Jump to Latest Follow 1 - 5 of 5 Posts. See more of Smith & Wesson M&P Revolver - Model 10 on Facebook. Smith Wesson Serial Numbers Manufacture … Smith Wesson 5906 Serial Number Date Of Manufacture Code; Today, Smith & Wesson is mostly known for revolvers and their growing line of M&P pistols. Joined: Aug 22, 2010 Messages: 82 Location: S.C. My local shop has gotten seven S&W 5906 in and I will be getting one of … TVGuide.com. The Model 19 is chambered for .357 Magnum. Smith Wesson Dates Of Manufacture From Serial Numbers DOWNLOA Smith & Wesson became a subsidiary of Bangor-Punta from 1965-1983. See more of Smith & Wesson M&P Revolver - Model 10 on . The 39 was superceded in the S&W line by the second generation Model .Browse all new and used Smith … Smith And Wesson Serial Number Date Of Manufacture K Frame For Sale. If anyone out there can throw an … Demo. The Smith & Wesson Model 10, previously known as the Smith & Wesson .38 Hand Ejector Model of 1899, the Smith & Wesson Military & Police or the Smith & Wesson Victory Model, is a K-frame revolver of worldwide popularity. smith model 10 serial numbers, smith wesson .... How about my 686-3? Ads related to: S&w Revolver Serial Numbers By Year Results from Microsoft . Smith & Wesson on the other hand tended to number each variation of the same basic type revolver in its own series. Manufacture Year by Serial Number 'K' Frame Revolvers - 1899 to. I snooped around the S&W website but it was not obvious where to verfify manufacture date. Aug 06, 2013 manufacture year of S&W. Home; Smith And Wesson Serial Number Date Of Manufacture. He has written for regional newspapers such as 'The Metro Forum' and the 'West Tennessee Examiner.' Smith and Wesson Serial Number Date of Manufacture J Frame Revolver Lookup. ... who are looking for a date of manufacture for their S&W revolvers.. Despite the rapidly growing popularity of these polymer-framed striker fired semi-auto pistols, there’s also a … In one known example a gun with serial S136431 was not shipped until June of 1958.
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