From IamSlacker: “There is now HSResolveMoreSlotID v1.1 by the modder Henk. Anyone who does not use this will in time be left in dust of past. It is ultimate tool for resolve of ID conflict with clothes, accessory, and Studio Neo items. It is also now having other features that are beyond conflict resolver tool.
It also contain Character Card Checker. That is tool that reads character card and show all mod item and slider values that the card use in all slots. It is tool that will now make it easy to use anyone card that is shared. If someone does not have mod that is used for card it will give link to find mod if they clip on name of it.
Setup your character, bring up the UI, select your favourite screenshot plugin, select 60 fps, choose to Limit By 'Seconds', set the Limit Count to 5 (aka 5 seconds here), optionally select resize if you wish to downscale the video, use the MP4 format with the H.264 codec, don't touch the quality and finally hit 'Start Recording'. Welcome to my patreon! I usually released mods on discord but now I start a new journey at patreon. I do this mainly as a hobby, and so I'd appreciate any support you can give through this Patreon. All my Honey Select mods will be free for public after 2 weeks, but you can gain early access by becoming patron here. Is creating Custom Head mods & clothing for Honey Select 1 and 2. Select a membership level. Tier 1: Charmander. Receive the first new mod I complete this month, 3-4 weeks after the initial release date. of the mod.or at the end of this month/start of next month; generally speaking, whichever is earlier. Honey Select 2 Mods; AI Shoujo. Frequently Asked Questions (AI) Using AI’s ABMX’s advanced bone sliders; essu’s HeadBundleRedirect for AI/HS2; AI Shoujo Mods; PlayHome. PlayHome Mods; Koikatsu. Koikatu Mods; Honey Select. Frequently Asked Questions (HS) lwlin’s UnlimitedMoreSlotID for Honey Select Unlimited (aka FAKKU version).
Other tool that is contained is Scene Card Checker. Is working similar to Card Checker for characters. It will read scene cards and tell what character and mods are used in scene. You will never need to use HIR Neo again.”
And your missing mods will likely be found on this linked one stop hub!
Read the requirements section, please.
- Bepis Pluginsfor HS2
- essu’s HeadBundleRedirector for HS2
- BonesFrameworkfor HS2
- Recommended: UncensorSelector for HS2
Drop the contents of the 7z into your HS2 install folder.
Same for any updates.

Load any of the included cards wherever you want.
Delete her cards.
Then remove this file:
Honey Select Mods Pastebin
- mods/[Roy12][HS2]Leifang.zipmod
- Initial version for HS2.
[Direct Download]
Additional Comments:
Well, wasn’t she a tough one.
VV models, like LR ones, have almost flat normal maps, so faces rely a lot on the model’s face normals, and for this one in particular, some parts were painfully obvious. Also the diffuse map has a lot of shading on it.
So for this girl I decided to completely drop the original color texture for the face and remake it myself in Substance Painter by eye, looking at one of the vanilla base color textures as reference. I also baked a normal map from a somewhat retopo’d, subdivided and somewhat resculpted face for her, so the low poly nature of the mesh wasn’t so obvious, the original normal map didn’t help with, well, anything.
Hopefully I can apply this for the rest of these girls.
Make sure your ABMX is 4.1 minimum, as it introduced position/rotation modifying for bones! I used it to fix her eyes rotations.
Remember you can use vanilla hairs with all girls so far given that you modify the bone cf_J_ScalpLength_S with ABMX’s advanced window, along with all the other bones in the included CustomBonesList.txt. Guide here.
Honey Select Mods Clothing
Only one card. Her hair has customization and she also comes with ear bones (though I already made that a standard so I will stop mentioning it).
Make sure you have all the requirements mentioned, otherwise you will run into issues.

Have fun!