If you’re using OS X 10.6.8 Snow Leopard, you can run the latest version of Chrome, which is 43.0.2357.81 at the moment. If you’re still using Leopard, version 21.0.1180.90 is the most recent available. It’s three years old at present and a memory hog, just like every version of Chrome. Firefox Browser welcome pages - helping you get more from Firefox products and services. 47.0.1 is the last one to be supported on 10.6.8, the answer. Os x 10.6.8 I have an old Macbook - the white plastic kind from the mid-2000's - that still works perfectly. The only problem I have with it is finding a good browser to use. This APK file last updated on March 2, 2016 at 6:00 pm. Choose and download from the below direct download link to start get the apk file for 'UC Browser Mini 10.6.8 (89) APK – Latest', And then move the file to your Android phone's SD card and use one file manager you prefer to browse & install it. You will need Android 4.0.3 version. Browser For Mac 10.6.8 Moving on is the HTML5 test, this measures how each browser supports the various features of the internet. Chrome and Opera pull this one out which isn’t a huge surprise since Opera is based on Chromium where both Edge and Safari fall quite a bit behind.

I usually keep my macs as long as I can. My only problem now is the browsers. Firefox, Chrome and Safari don't seems to want to support 10.5.8. At least FF and Safari run but there are some sites I visit that don't work well with those old versions and the new versions can't be installed on 10.5.8.
Any suggestions on a browser that will let my macs live a little longer?
I placed the Release build in a DMG file to give it an easy installer. (Can Click Image to Download Installer as well).
So Chromium is the best browser, in my opinion. ¬¨‚ĆLet me just say I have been a major fan of Mozilla/Firefox for over a decade and it has only been really the last 12-15 months that I have fully come to appreciate how fast and far the Chormium project has evolved. ¬¨‚ĆMozilla/Firefox’s rapid release schedule has unfortunately turned out to be quite annoying and almost¬¨‚Ćdisastrous¬¨‚Ćwith new browsers being released every six weeks or so. ¬¨‚ĆUsually this pace of release is a good thing but in Mozilla’s case it has been frustrating as some versions work well, others have no really new features (Firefox 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10? ¬¨‚Ćall seemed the same, still buggy).
Chrome is google’s slightly modified release verision of the open source project Chromium (financed by Google). ¬¨‚ĆThe difference is minimal but for a school district there are a couple of slight advantages. ¬¨‚ĆChromium does not track as many user metrics, not does it seem to open quite the same number of UDP connections as Chrome. ¬¨‚Ć In a filtered setting its nice to have a customized browser, that doesn’t track (as many) user metrics as this information is really just wasted traffic. ¬¨‚ĆChrome also adds in a PDF plugin as well as built in flash plugin where as Chromium leaves these out, ¬¨‚Ćagain this is okay and actually preferred since we already have flash and a PDF view installed on all Macs. ¬¨‚ĆI will include this chromium build and future builds on our Lab images at the HS and MS, also changed the logo a bit to give it a Geneseo feel.
I compiled Chromium from source on an MacBook Air i5.  I compiled on 10.7 Lion but used set the build option to 10.6 for better compatibility.  To be able to compile on OS X Lion works but there are a few more steps then other Mac platforms.  I compiled the project in terminal with the following commands.
First get the source using SVN and then sync with gclient.  The source code is currently quite large and the download will be between 1.2 and 1.6 gigs.

Most of the directions of chromium’s site will work but I have added below the two that were necessary to get to build on OS X Lion. ¬¨‚ĆI would also make sure you have XCode installed prior to compiling.
Use the following command to set the build correctly for mac. I was only able to build setting Mac_sdk to 10.6.

GYP_GENERATORS=make GYP_DEFINES=mac_sdk=10.6 ./build/gyp_chromium
Best Browser For Mac 10.6.8
To finally initiate and build from the source I set the BUILDTYPE to release, and used the -j4 flag to use 3 cores (can use -j5 if you want to use all 4 cores of a i5 to speed up compiling time.)
make BUILDTYPE=Release chrome -j4
Best Browser For 10.6 8
Compiling took well over one hour.
Best Browser For Mac 10.6.8
(Successful Build)